Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Recurring decimals to fraction

  1. $.\overline{36}=\frac{36}{99}$

  2. $2.1\overline{36}=2\frac3{22}$

The part I do not understand however, is "you could used 1) to speed up the working of 2)" which is written in the book.

How would I use 1) to help me work out 2)?




So, $$2.1\overline{39}=2+\frac1{10}+\frac1{10}\cdot\frac{36}{99}=2+\frac1{10}\cdot\left(1+\frac4{11}\right)=2+\frac1{10}\cdot\frac{15}{11}=2+\frac3{22}$$

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