Monday, November 11, 2019

linear algebra - Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of diagonal marix


Let $D$:= diag($\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n$), i.e., $D$ is a diagonal matrix in $\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ with entries $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_n$$\mathbb{C}$ on its diagonal.

Find $\sigma$($D$) and all eigenvectors of $D$.

My thoughts:

As the spectrum of $D$ is the set of all eigenvalues, then $\sigma$($D$) should be just $\lambda_1 \cdots \lambda_n$ = $\mathbb {\lambda_n}^{n}$ .

But how can I find the eigenvectors ? I know I have to calculate the $D$ - $\lambda I$.

Can someone help me?

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