Saturday, June 18, 2016

roots - A simple zeroes polynomial which constructs another one

Let $P(X) = (X-x_1)\ldots(X-x_N)$ be a complex polynomial with simple roots.

I define
$$Q(X) = P(X-a)-bP(X),$$

with $a\in\mathbb{C}$ and $b\neq 1$ so that $Q(X)$ is also a polynomial of degree $N$.

Let me note $y_1,\ldots,y_N$ the roots of $Q(X)$. I would like to prove that

  • $Q$ has simple roots : $\forall i,j, \quad y_i \neq y_j$

  • one cannot shifts from a root to another by the use of $a$ : $\forall i,j,\quad y_i \neq y_j \pm a $

I am not sure this is the case for all $a$ and $b$, but in the context of my problem it seems $Q$ has to verify these conditions.

I thought it would be a simple exercise, but I keep struggling on it.

Any help is much appreciated ! :)


It's not true.

As a counterexample, letting

  • $P(x)=(x+2)(x-2)$$\\[4pt]$
  • $a=5$$\\[4pt]$
  • $b=-4$

we get


Staying with the case $n=2$, let $P(x)=(x-r)(x-s)$ with $r\ne s$.

Then for $b\ne 1$, the polynomial
has simple roots if and only if either$\;b=0\;$or
$$a^2\ne -\frac{(b-1)^2(r-s)^2}{4b}$$

Let's try an example with $n=3$ . . .

Let $P(x)=(x-1)x(x+1)$.

Then for $b\ne 1$, the polynomial
has simple roots if and only if

is nonzero.

The results of that example suggest that for the general case, trying to find usable necessary and sufficient conditions on $a,b$ for $Q(x)$ to have simple roots is not likely to succeed.

As a more reasonable goal, one might try to find sufficient conditions for $Q(x)$ to have simple roots, expressed in terms of inequalities relating $|a|,|b|$.

For example, if $a$ is fixed, then $Q(x)$ will have simple roots if

  • $b\;$is sufficiently close to $0$.


  • $|b|\;$is sufficiently large.

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