Monday, April 18, 2016

How to convert a series to an equation?

I don't know the technical language for what I'm asking, so the title might be a little misleading, but hopefully I can convey my purpose to you just as well without.

Essentially I'm thinking of this: the series $4^n + 4^{n-1} \cdots 4^{n-n}$.

I suppose this is the summation of the series $4^n$ from $n$ to 0.

But is there any way to express this as a pure equation, not as a summation of a series?

If so, how do you figure out how to convert it?


In general, for $x\neq 1$ it is true that
So, in your case in particular, we have that

Alternatively, one could pull out a factor of $4^n$ from all terms, and compute

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