Wednesday, June 13, 2018

summation - How to find the sum of the series?

$$\frac{1}{1.3} + \frac{7}{1.3.5} + \frac{17}{} + \frac{31}{} +...... upto \space 10 \space terms$$

I found the nth term of the equation but don't know how to proceed from there?

$$ T_n = \frac{2n^2 -1 }{}$$


In double factorial notation, this is
$$\sum^{10}_{n=1}\frac{2n^2-1}{(2n+1)!!}.$$ But $$2n^2-1=\frac{(2n-1)(2n+1)-1}2,$$
and that means $$\frac{2n^2-1}{(2n+1)!!}=\frac12\left(\frac1{(2n-3)!!}-\frac1{(2n+1)!!}\right),$$ i.e. we have a telescoping series, so

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