Sunday, October 9, 2016

real analysis - prove $log(1+x)0$

Prove $\log(1+x) \lt x$ for $x\gt0$

my attempt:

I show $e^{x}\gt 1+x$ for $x\gt0$ since


so if $x\gt0$ then all terms are positive

so $e^{x}\gt 1+x$ for $x\gt0$

now given $e^{x}\gt 1+x$ for $x\gt0$, can I take $\log$ on both sides and show

$\log(1+x)\lt x$ for $x\gt0$

or do I have to prove firstly that $\exp(x)=e^x$ for $x\gt 0$ then I can take $\log$..

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