Friday, October 28, 2016

elementary number theory - Find conditions on positive integers so that $sqrt{a}+sqrt{b}+sqrt{c}$ is irrational

Find conditions on positive integers
$a, b, c$
so that $\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c}$ is irrational.

My solution:
if $ab$ is not the square of an integer,
then the expression is irrational.
I find it interesting
that $c$ does not come into this
at all.

My solution is modeled
(i.e., copied with modifications)
from dexter04's solution

to Prove that $\sqrt{3}+ \sqrt{5}+ \sqrt{7}$ is irrational

Suppose $\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c} = r$
where $r$ is rational.
= (r-\sqrt{c})^2
\implies a+b+2\sqrt{ab}
= c+r^2-2r\sqrt{c}$.

So, $a+b-c-r^2+2\sqrt{ab} =-2r\sqrt{c}$.
Let $a+b-c-r^2 = k$,
which will be a rational number.
$(k+2\sqrt{ab})^2 = k^2+ 4ab+4k\sqrt{ab} = 4cr^2$
$4k\sqrt{ab} = 4cr^2-k^2- 4ab$.

If $ab$ is not a square

of an integer,
then the LHS is irrational
while the RHS is rational.
Hence, we have a contradiction.


For $\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c}$ to be rational, $ab$ being a perfect square is only a necessary condition, but it is not sufficient (your proof is correct, only the conclusion that it is sufficient is wrong). The sufficient and necessary condition is $a,b,c$ are all perfect squares (easy to see that it is sufficient and I'm going to prove it is necessary).

Symmetry lets us conclude $ab=A^2,bc=B^2,ca=C^2$.

Let $(a,b)=d$. Then $a=da_1, b=db_1$ and since $d^2a_1b_1=A^2$, we have $a=da_2^2, b=db_2^2$.

$bc=B^2\implies db_2^2c=B^2\implies dc=b_3^2\tag{1}$

Let $(c,d)=D$. Then $c=Dc', d=Dd'$. $(1)\implies c=Dc_1^2, d=Dd_1^2$.

So $(a,b,c)=(D(d_1a_2)^2,D(d_1b_2)^2,Dc_1^2)$

$$\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c}=\sqrt{D}(|d_1a_2|+|d_1b_2|+|c_1|)\in\mathbb Q\iff \sqrt{D}\in\mathbb Q$$$$\iff \sqrt{D}\in\mathbb Z\iff D=D'^2$$

I used the fact that $\sqrt{a},a\in\mathbb Z$ is either an integer or irrational. If it is rational but not an integer, then $\sqrt{a}=\frac{a'}{b'}, a'\nmid b'\implies a=\frac{a'^2}{b'^2}$.
Contradiction, since LHS is an integer and RHS is not ($a'\nmid b'\iff a'^2\nmid b'^2$).

$(a,b,c)=((D'd_1a_2)^2,(D'd_1b_2)^2,(D'c_1)^2)\ \ \ \square$

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