Monday, January 18, 2016

functional equations - Show that f is linear

Let $f : \mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be a solution of the additive Cauchy functional equation satisfying the condition
$$f(x) = x^2 f(1/x)\quad \forall x \in \mathbb R\setminus \{0\}.$$
Then show that $f(x) = cx,$ where $c$ is an arbitrary constant.


Let $F(x)=f(x)-xf(1)$

For some $x\neq 0$, $F(\frac{1}{x})=f(\frac{1}{x})-\frac{1}{x}f(1)$.

Hence for $x\neq 0$ $$\begin{align}
x^2F(\frac{1}{x})&=x^2f(\frac{1}{x})-xf(1)\\&=f(x)-xf(1)\\&=F(x)\end{align}$$ and of course $F(1)=0$ and $F$ is additive.

Let us prove that $\forall x\in \mathbb R, F(x)=-F(-x)$

Indeed, $0=F(1)=F(x+1-x)=F(x)+F(1)+F(-x)=F(x)+F(-x)$

Also, for some $x\neq -1$,



This also holds for $x=-1$ since $F(-1)=-F(1)$.

Hence $2F=0$.

Hence $F=0$ and we're done.

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