Saturday, August 17, 2019

elementary number theory - Linear Diophantine Equations in Three Variables


The general solution to this linear Diophantine equation is as described
here (Page 7-8) is:

x = 5k+2l+14
y = -l

z = -7-k
k,l \in \mathbb{Z}

If I plug the original equation into Wolframalpha the solution is:
y = 5n+2x+2

z =-6n-3x-1
n \in \mathbb{Z}

I can rewrite this as:


x = l
y = 5k+2l+2
z = -6k-3l-1
k,l \in \mathbb{Z}


However now two equations depend on two variables ($k,l$) and one on one variable $l$.
In the first solution one equation depends on two variables and two on one variable.


How can I come from a representation like the one from wolfram alpha for the general solution to one where all equations depend on one distinct variable except one equation.

Is there always such a representation?

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