Saturday, May 26, 2018

Hyperbolic Diophantine Equations: Application of Euclidean Algorithm?

I'm trying to determine whether or not I can find the integer solutions to $(x+a)$$(x+b)$ $=$ $x(x-1)$ + $x(a-b)$ (with a known $x$ value you choose, i.e. $707$). Plugging in my example value on Wolfram Alpha for $x$ reveals the form of a hyperbola, but can I use to help me generalize solutions for hyperbolic equations of this form?

Presumably plugging in the function into Wolfram Alpha and choosing my integer $x$ value for every solution is not the only way to do this?


$$(x+a)(x+b)=x(x-1) + x(a-b),$$
$$(x+a)(x+b)-x(x-1) + x(a-b)= 0,$$ cancel stuff and
$$ (2b+1)x + ab = 0. $$

Introduce a variable
$$ c = a + 2x, $$ so that
$$ a = c - 2x. $$
Then $ (2b+1)x + ab = 0 $ becomes
$$ x + bc = 0, $$

$$ bc = -x. $$
Therefore, find all divisors $d$ of $-x,$ both positive and negative, so that $$ d \in \{ -|x|, \ldots, -1,1 \ldots, |x| \}. $$
For each such $d,$ let
$$ c = d, \; \; \; b = -x / d, $$ with
$$ a = d - 2x, \; \; b = -x / d. $$

Finding all positive divisors of $|x|$ is a matter of completely factoring $|x|;$ for example, your $707 = 7 \cdot 101.$ The positive divisors are $1,7,101,707,$ and all divisors are $$d \in \{-707, -101,-7,-1,1,7,101,707 \}.$$ For each such $d$, let $a = d - 1414$ and $b = -707/d.$

set mp_Divisors( mpz_class  i)

set sofar, more;
set::iterator iter;
string fac;
fac = " = ";
mpz_class p = 2;
mpz_class temp = i;
if (temp < 0 )

temp *= -1;
fac += " -1 * ";

if ( 1 == temp) fac += " 1 ";
if ( temp > 1)
int primefac = 0;
while( temp > 1 && p * p <= temp) // WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

if (temp % p == 0)
if (primefac > 1) fac += " ";
// fac += stringify( p) ;
temp /= p;
int exponent = 1;
mpz_class power = p;
for(iter = sofar.begin() ; iter != sofar.end(); ++iter)

more.insert( power * *iter );
while (temp % p == 0)
temp /= p;
power *= p;
for(iter = sofar.begin() ; iter != sofar.end(); ++iter)
more.insert( power * *iter );

} // while p is fac
if ( exponent > 1)
fac += "^" ;
fac += stringify( exponent) ;
for(iter = more.begin() ; iter != more.end(); ++iter)
sofar.insert( *iter );

} // if p is factor
} // while p
if (temp > 1 && primefac >= 1) fac += " ";
// if (temp > 1 ) fac += stringify( temp.get_ui()) ;
if (temp > 1 ) fac += temp.get_str() ;
if ( temp > 1) {
for(iter = sofar.begin() ; iter != sofar.end(); ++iter)

more.insert( temp * *iter );
for(iter = more.begin() ; iter != more.end(); ++iter)
sofar.insert( *iter );
} // temp > 1

return sofar;
} // mp_Divisors

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