Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Proof That all Positive Irrational Sqaure Roots Can be Raised to an Irrational Power to Get a Whole Number

Recently I have found out about a proof through a video.

This proof shows that an irrational number can be raised to a irrational power to get and irrational number, but this proof only requires one case, so I wanted to see if I could prove it for all irrational square roots. This is what I cam up with:

First take the square root of a positive integer, x.
$\sqrt x$ Then apply the power for the square root of x: $\sqrt x^{\sqrt x}$. Some numbers might evaluate rationally here, if so stop. If not this can be continued to $(\sqrt x^{\sqrt x})^{\sqrt x} = \sqrt x^{x}$. Here if x is even the equation can be written as $\sqrt x^{2n} = x^{n}$ where n is a positive integer, and the equation will evaluate to a whole number [Note 1]. If x is odd this can be continued to $(\sqrt x^{x})^{\sqrt 2} = (\sqrt x^{\sqrt 2x})$ [Note 2]. Then continue to raise it to the power of the square root of two once more. $(\sqrt x^{x\sqrt 2})^{\sqrt 2}$ [Note 3]. This evaluates to $\sqrt x^{2x} = x^x$ which must be a whole number!

Thank you for reading. Is this proof correct? Hopefully, I made no mistakes and everything here is right. I assume this has been proven before. If so, can I get a link and was my proof nice compared to the other one?

[Note 1]: You cannot say $\sqrt x^{\sqrt x}$ could have evaluated to a whole number invalidating this proof. This case was already covered earlier.

[Note 2]: Because x is a positive integer multiplying it by a irrational number will make it irrational. The proof is still valid.

[Note 3] $\sqrt 2^ \sqrt 2$ is irrational

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