Monday, June 17, 2019

probability - finding expected value using CDF

If it is known that the random variable X has a CDF:


I wish to find E[(Xa)2] for all aR

I found that E[(Xa)2]=E[X2]2aE[X]+a2

my teacher solved it this way:
enter image description here

what I'm trying to understand is the reason for the integrals used to find E[X],E[X2]. Why does this work?


The first equality in the computation of E[X2] follows from the fact that, for a non-negative random variable Y with CDF G, we have that


You can find a proof of this here.

To see the first equality for E[X], we use the above result, along with the fact for a non-positive random variable Y with CDF G,


You can prove this in a way similar to the analogous result for non-negative random variables.

Putting the two facts together allows us to write


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