Saturday, February 4, 2017

How many times larger is 5 × 106 than 5 × 102?"How much is it more/small than" calculator.

I need to find a calculator that will essentially give me how ever much a number is smaller/bigger than another number.

If I enter the two numbers '1' and '4'.

It will tell me, '4' is x4 times larger than '1'

This should also work with floatation point numbers, in the case that there is not such a calculator, the number that I need to calculate is 0.6 and 1.0.

Thank you very much, and sorry for the lack of research, but I really do not know how to word this correctly, I hope anyone reading understands.


Divide the largest one by the smallest one : for example, the number $4$ is $\frac{4}{2}=2\times$ larger than the number $2$.

Indeed, If you multiply $2$ by $\frac{4}{2}$ you'll get 4.

Of course, if a number is $n\times$ larger than another, then this other is $n\times$ smaller than the first one.

It will of course work with floating point :
$0.6\times\frac{1}{0.6}≈0.6\times 1.6667 = 1$ so $1$ is $\text{~}1.6667$ times larger than $0.6$ while $0.6$ is $\text{~}1.6667$ smaller than $1$.

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