Monday, October 29, 2018

real analysis - Discuss the convergence of the sequence: $a_1=1,a_{n+1}=sqrt{2+a_n} quad forall n in mathbb{N}$

Computing the first few terms $$a_1=1, a_2=\sqrt{3}=1.732....,a_3=1.9318....,a_4=1.9828...$$ I feel that $(a_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ is bounded above by 2, although I have no logical reasoning for this. Since, $(a_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ is monotone increasing sequence, it must converge by monotone convergence theorem, and converge to 2.

Can anyone help me to make this more formal? Besides, I would really appreciate if anyone could shed some light on how to find the bound and limit of such sequences (that are not in closed form but in recursion).



$$a_1\le a_2\;\;\text{and}\;\;a_{n+1}:=\sqrt{2+a_n}\stackrel{\text{induction}}\le\sqrt{2+a_{n+1}}=:a_{n+2}$$

$$a_1\le 2\;\;\text{and}\;\; a_{n+1}:=\sqrt{2+a_n}\stackrel{\text{induction}}\le\sqrt{2+2}=2$$

The above shows your sequence is a monotone ascending one and bounded above, so its limit exists, say it is $\;w\;$, and now a little arithmetic of limits:

$$w\leftarrow a_{n+1}=\sqrt{2+a_n}\rightarrow\sqrt{2+w}$$

so $\;w=\ldots\ldots?$

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