Friday, March 31, 2017

Calculating the probability that throwing two dice will yield a higher number than throwing one die

How do I work out the probability that Andy, rolling two dice, will roll a number higher than Candy, rolling one die?

The highest number you can roll with one die is six. The probability of rolling any number is 1/6. The highest number you can roll using two dice is 12. The sum of probabilities that Andy will roll a number higher than six is 59%.

  • 17% for rolling a 7

  • 14% for rolling an 8

  • 11% for rolling a 9

  • 8% for rolling a 10

  • 6% for rolling an 11

  • 3% for rolling a 12

So is it fair to say that Andy has a 59% chance to roll a number higher than Candy? How do I represent that in a formula? Or have I gotten my math all wrong?

This might be a knucklehead question, and for that you'll have to excuse; I haven't used any math beyond elementary algebra for 15 years.

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