Tuesday, September 8, 2015

algebra precalculus - A train starts from a Jaipur towards Delhi at 10 am. ..

A train starts from a Jaipur towards Delhi at 10 am. Another train starts from Delhi towards Jaipur at 11 am. Both reach their destinations at same time. At 1 pm, the sum of distances that had been traveled by them together is 90% of distance between Delhi and Jaipur. At what time did they reach their destinations?

I could only make equation like this :

Train(Jaipur's speed) = x

Train(Delhi's speed) = x+1 (since it starts one hour later and and both reaches at same time)

so equation : 3x + 2(x+1) = 90% of distance

now I'm out of any clue where to move... Thanks in advance :)


If $d$ is the distance & $t$ is the time taken by the first train

$\dfrac dt\cdot3+\dfrac d{t-1}\cdot2=\dfrac{90d}{100}$

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