Wednesday, January 8, 2020

abstract algebra - The degree of the field extension mathbbQ(sqrt5,w):mathbbQ

Compute the degree of the field extension Q(5,w):Q, where w=e2πi/3.

I consider the tower of fields QQ(5)Q(5)(w) now, Q:Q(5) has degree 2, so I am trying to find the degree of Q(5):Q(5)(w) it is 2 since w satisfies w2+w+1=0. I am trying to show that it is exactly 2 - I know that wQ(5) but I don't see how I can justify it is exactly 2 from here.


Since [Q(5)(w):Q(5)] is 2 (as w2+w+1=0), it is either 1 or 2, and it is 1 iff w5. Since Q(5)R but wR, we must have [Q(5)(w):Q(5)]=2.

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